Half the Israeli Public Wants to See Holy Temple Rebuilt Written: 07-18-2010 Rapture Forum Staff: Chris Sometimes while viewing the vast landscape of the current news and events in the world, you see an article that really stands out screaming that Bible prophecy is lining up as the Bible foretold. Today while searching the news headlines I came across one such news article that seemed to do that. This article was a news report from the Israel National Newswebsite that indicates that half the Israeli public wants to see the Third Jewish Temple built. The INN article reports: Half the Israeli public wants the Holy Temple (Beit HaMikdash) to be rebuilt. This is the main finding of a poll commissioned by the Knesset Television Channel and carried out by the Panels Institute. The poll was taken in advance of this Tuesday’s national day of mourning, known as Tisha B’Av, on which the two Holy Temples in Jerusalem were destroyed, 2,000 and 2,500 years ago, respectively.The article went on to break down the statistics of the polls which showed: Forty nine percent said they want the rebuilding of the Holy Temple, while 23% said they do not. The remainder said they were unsure.The poll has some very interesting results that show that the majority of Israelis are in favor of building the Third Temple, but for one reason or another do not think time is right for following through on the construction of it. While we know that many preparations for the building of the Temple itself and the construction of the ancient temple vessels have been ongoing in recent years by the Temple Institute and Temple Mount Faithful, the fact remains that that the Jewish people have decided that time is not right to build the Third Temple but it does appear that it could be close at hand. I believe that students of Bible prophecy should be able to see a subtle shift in Jewish thinking about the Third Temple. It seems to me that as Israel finds itself up against the wall in the international community as well as being surrounded by hostile enemies, that the spiritual side of the Jewish people is beginning to awaken and look towards God more. However, I believe this "awakening" is in the early stage and will fully manifest itself when the Israelis win convincing future conflicts with their enemies in the prophecies concerning Psalm 83, Isaiah 17, and Ezekiel 38-39. I believe that this spiritual awakening is what will cause the Jewish people to demand that a Third Temple be built and that a return to Old Testament style worship will be reinstated. We are told in the Book of Daniel that there will be a Third Temple during the end times in which the future Antichrist will erect his abomination of desolation and declare himself to be god on earth. This abomination of desolation will eventually lead to the cutting off of Old Testament style animal sacrifices and as a result will start the time known as the "great tribulation". The Bible warns the Jewish people to flee to the mountains (Petra) to the place God has prepared for them so they can wait out the final half of the seven year tribulation period. But before these things happen, Israel must be spiritually awakened and demand a Third Temple in order to resume their Old Testament style worship. The Bible tells that when the Ezekiel 38-39 war occurs that the Jewish people and the entire world will know that the Lord saved them and as a result will have their spiritual flame lit again. Eze 38:23 Thus will I magnify myself, and sanctify myself; and I will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know that I [am] the LORD.Currently Israel is approximately 90% secular, with only about 10% being religious. This imbalance will need to change drastically in order for a Third Temple to be built in Jerusalem and I believe that the event that will do it is the Ezekiel 38-39 war of Gog and Magog, when the Russians lead a moslem coalition on an invasion of Israel from the north. Right now the Middle East news is dominated by the soured relationship between Israel and Turkey. This relationship has been going downhill for a while now but recently hit rock bottom with the May Gaza flotilla crisis. I believe that we are seeing the setup for Turkey to fall into the hands of the Gog and Magog coalition, if they have not already done so by now. For a long time Turkey cooperated with Israel on the economic and military fronts, but since the inception of the radical Islamic led government of Turkish PM Erdogan, Turkey has been on the fast track to cutting ties with Israel. They have for a long time been the only Islamic country to hold close ties with Israel. But all of this is changing and pretty fast might I add. This is why students of Bible prophecy will need to remain fixated on the Middle East region as things continue to grow tense with each passing day. With time running out to stop the Iranian nuclear program, Israel faces threats on all sides as well as from afar. This is a time in history when the friends of Israel need to support her more than ever. Please continue to join with me in praying for Israel and for the peace of Jerusalem. Until next time, stay tuned!! God bless. |
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Half the Israeli Public Wants to See Holy Temple Rebuilt
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Lord, I Need a Miracle
So many of us may be feeling very much like Jan described in her newsletter this morning, so I wanted to share it in its entirety.
Every one of us has said that! You need a miracle! You're not alone. So my column is going to stray from news. I am going to reveal some personal things, which is not always the best idea. However, as I write this, I am supposed to be undergoing a 10-hour surgery that would require one year before life would have been normal again. I have dealt with pain beyond description since March. So I have to thank many of you for praying for me these last few weeks since that was made known. Prayer made the difference. The pain diminished about 98% in the last 2 weeks and the surgeon canceled the procedure -- a gruesome one to say the least!
I would also ask that at this time advice not be sent back to me. I am still trying to process all that has happened, and there could be more mountains to climb down the road. In other words, I continue to ask for your prayers. Because of the uncertain future, we are leaving up the Caring Bridge page posted here. If it is taken down, it won't be by us. Please save my office staff further pressures. Check that link rather than e-mailing or calling here. We've all had a rough ride since March and this will save my staff further pressures. When trying ordeals happen, we often first ask, "Why me, Lord?" Well, why not? The Bible reminds us that all believers will suffer, be it persecution, betrayal, or affliction. We see Paul wrestling with his "thorn." I suspect you who are reading this have gone through your own personal "dark night of the soul." You may be there now. That's the real reason I am writing this -- not to reflect on me but to focus on you. The ordeal doesn't have to be physical. It is any kind of a difficult time for you that you think will never end. You want someone to walk along side you for comfort and counsel. You have trouble even reading the Bible some days. You are overwhelmed. And our trying times today, worldwide, don't help. I understand. I labored for 20 years with "chronic fatigue syndrome" until the Lord just took it away in the summer of 2000. You can read about that ordeal and related thoughts and issues in my 1993 book published by Baker Book House, Waiting for a Miracle. I have learned that affliction and trials transform lives, either for good or for bad. They will make you or break you. God is speaks to us through our pain. He can use it to make us more aware of Him. The symphony He is working out includes minor chords, dissonance, and tiring fugal passages. But those of us who follow His conducting through these early movements will, with renewed strength, someday burst into song! Affliction is not bashful. It shows itself in spite of our best efforts. The reason wellness is one of the greatest gifts is that affliction will sap our energy, make us irritable, strain our relationships, cloud our plans for the future, and totally occupy our thoughts. The affliction becomes a full-time job, for it goes with us wherever we go. And the world of the "well" just cannot understand, particularly if we look good. It's those pesky invisible diseases that are so frustrating. You just know people think you look so good you must be making some things up! You want to scream but perhaps your body aches so that won't work! God seldom gives us a long-range view of our journey through this darkness that He wants to use for our good. We wonder what lies ahead. Is our livelihood at stake? Will our family abandon us? Will our financial resources run out? Will we be deemed hypochondriacs? Will anybody understand? Will we lose everything? Some learn from the heroes of Hebrews 11. We hear them relate their experiences, tell of the darkness of their night, and disclose some of the humanly impossible situations they found themselves in. I think of the words of Spurgeon who said, "I learn more from the fire, hammer and chisel than to anything else in my Lord's workshop." The most tempting thing for those who hurt is to feel that God has abandoned them. God does not "send" illness to a specific person. He doesn't have a weekly quota of malignant tumors, sick spines, and weak hearts to distribute. He doesn't consult a computer to find out who deserves a certain affliction and who could handle it the best. I take comfort in what Paul Billheimer says in one of the best books ever written, Don't Waste Your Sorrows. His brilliant conclusion is that we are in training for reigning and this is part of that process! Does that help? At this office we hear from a lot of people who are afflicted, disappointed, confused, anxious, hurting, and scared. God promises that in spite of your shattered dreams right now, He wants to build a new foundation out of your brokenness. He says, " 'For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord; plans to prosper you and not harm you; plans to give you hope and a future' " (Jer. 29:11). And if you are feeling devastated, He promises to restore the years the locusts ate (Joel 2:25). Many of these thoughts in this column have been taken from my book Waiting for a Miracle. I am not featuring it to make a sale. The book has helped tens of thousands of people through tough times. Right now, only Olive Tree Ministries carries it. Many say it is more helpful than a doctor's appointment and the best prescription they have taken.
If God can heal me of a 20-year illness and keep me off of yesterday's operating table, He has some kind of miracle for you as well. No, I don't hold to the theology that everyone will be healed. That is all a mystery. Whatever your heartache, remember that the past and the present must never be a measure of your future. God desires that you leave the future to Him while you mind the present and hang on to some of His promises.
There are no easy answers. Those of you who suffer, remember that under the beating of the rain there are springing up spiritual flowers of such fragrance and beauty as never before grew in the unchastened life. We see the rain; Lord, help us smell the flowers. Again, for updates on my situation, visit Caring Bridge.Thank you for your prayers. I wish I could say that to each one of you individually. I will in Heaven. Won't it be grand? We won't even remember affliction, trials, testing, pain, and sorrow. Bring it on. Come, Lord Jesus.
Every one of us has said that! You need a miracle! You're not alone. So my column is going to stray from news. I am going to reveal some personal things, which is not always the best idea.
I would also ask that at this time advice not be sent back to me. I am still trying to process all that has happened, and there could be more mountains to climb down the road. In other words, I continue to ask for your prayers. Because of the uncertain future, we are leaving up the Caring Bridge page posted here. If it is taken down, it won't be by us. Please save my office staff further pressures. Check that link rather than e-mailing or calling here. We've all had a rough ride since March and this will save my staff further pressures.
There are no easy answers. Those of you who suffer, remember that under the beating of the rain there are springing up spiritual flowers of such fragrance and beauty as never before grew in the unchastened life. We see the rain; Lord, help us smell the flowers.
Get acquainted with "Understanding the Times" radio. We air live out of Minneapolis/St. Paul onAM980 KKMSand AM1280 "The Patriot," Saturday, 9 to 11 a.m. CST. You can "listen live" at those Web sites.
Here are our other airing outlets.
For podcasting via iTunes, visit this link.
All live Saturday programming is posted to our Web site at"Radio Archives" Sunday evening.
Brannon Howse sat in for me last weekend. Check the programming here. I return to the microphone this weekend in spite of an announcement that I would be out for 2-3 months.
God is good!
Friday, July 9, 2010
The World is Turned Off by Christians
Ghandi was once asked what was the greatest barrier to Christianity in India, his answer in a word: "Christians". His entire quote I believe was "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ. If Christians would really live according to the teachings of Christ, as found in the Bible, all of India would be Christian today." I think that applies to the entire unsaved world. Hypocrisy is the greatest barrier to an unsaved person, practice [religion] as I say, not as I do! I am not innocent of this, we all do it but as with any other sin, until we admit it, repent of it and ask the Lord to change our hearts, we will continue in the sin of hypocrisy. Thereby missing opportunities, often completely unaware, to plant the seed of the truth of the Gospel and the Savior Yeshua.
Jesus greatly admonished the religious leaders of His day regarding this. Jesus WAS the the most unreligious (in today's secular parlance read that "religiously incorrect" person who ever lived.
In a recent online discussion 2 interesting questions were posed which are usually brought up by non-Christians......
Question 1: If God’s Word is inspired and Jesus not even one “jot or tittle” will fall away, why are there so many translations?
Question 2: If the Church is supposed to “be one” how come there are so many churches claiming to be the right Church?
This can be answered with one word, but I will elaborate, as always from Scripture.
Answer: Man
The answer to both questions is quite simply fallible, sinful man. As Bible Believers, we can disagree on certain doctrinal issues (regarding Question 2), but never the redemptive work and person of the Lord Jesus Christ. THAT is the most important thing!
Q1: The jot & tiddle is referring to the smallest parts of the Hebrew alphabet’s letters, what amounts to parts the size of an apostrophe which can make a difference. A jot on the edge of a letter canges that letter entirely, such as the tail added to a ‘P’, making it an ‘R’. Therefore; all those versions of the Bible are man-made, i.e. man’s interpretation and re-interpretation of the original texts. Some of them are quite dangerous, if not Satanic! ………Which is why it’s important to stick to the versions which are closest to the original Hebrew & Greek texts…..by my research those are the KJV/MKJV, as well as the ASV1909 and the NASB which might be called the Modern ASV1909.
Q2: Again, man-made divisions. Paul said in 1 Cor. 1:12-13 ”Now I mean this, that each one of you is saying, “I am of Paul,” and “I of Apollos,” and “I of Cephas,” and “I of Christ.” Has Christ been divided? Paul was not crucified for you, was he? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?”………….So setting aside cults and false teachings such as Mormonism entirely, because they are false religions maskerading as Christianity……….those “divisions” (I’m talking the mainline reformed, denominational churches Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian types of denominations) come from men deciding they needed a “new” way of worshipping which while still accepting and teaching Jesus Christ as Lord (assuming those DO, I am not an expert on denominational churches). Division were created by men who wished to do certain things differently, such as child baptism (Presbyterians), assert certain dress codes, etc. Man-made decisions and/or basing their differences on 1 or 2 verses of Scripture, often misunderstood or taken out of context entirely........NOT at all commanded or instructed in God's word, the 66 books of the Holy Bible.
Deuteronomy 4:2 says ”“You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.” The Jewish religious leaders did that from the OT times, adding to the burden of the people:
Jesus was the most UNreligious person to walk this earth, the religous establishment of the time (correlates to todays organized denominational church) was all about adding to God’s word, and taking away the purity and simplicity of the worship of the Living God. Paul said in 2 Corinthians 11:3-4 ”But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ. For if one comes and preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted, you bear this beautifully.”
Luke 11:46 Jesus said: ”“Woe to you lawyers as well! For you weigh men down with burdens hard to bear, while you yourselves will not even touch the burdens with one of your fingers.” Lawyers here is in the original text Greek text νομικός = nomikos an expert in the (Mosaic) law:) - i.e. the Scribes and Pharisees.
Matt 23:15 Jesus said: ”“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you travel around on sea and land to make one proselyte; and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves.”
Matt 16:5 Jesus said: ”“Watch out and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.”” - leaven, signified sin in the OT and He was referring to all the rules (about 5000) that the Pharisees added to their laws.
Mind you Jesus WAS referring to the only religious authority of His time, the Pharisees……which frankly I see being identified more and more to our money & power-hungry so-called “evangelical” churches every day. In NT we read in James 3:1 a warning, if you’re going to teach God’s word, don’t teach falsehood, water it down, nor mix your own 'leaven' into it - because at the judgment seat of Christ you will be judged more harshly!: ”Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment.”
In fact, ADDING to God’s word/restrictions was aparent even before original sin, no doubt contributing to it. We see Eve, just before eating the forbidden fruit stating to the serpent in Genesis 3:2-3 ”The woman said to the serpent, “From the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat; but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat from it or touch it , or you will die.’””…..God didn't say don’t touch it. What He said in Genesis 2:16-17 was ”The LORD God commanded the man, saying, “From any tree of the garden you may eat freely;but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die.””…..notice though he said that to the man, NOT the woman, so some commentators have speculated that Adam was not doing his job as the spiritual leader of the family because he must not have correctly taught her what God had told him. But that’s another post and important subject altogether.
1 Corinthians 1,
2 Corinthians 11,
Deuteronomy 4,
Genesis 2,
Genesis 3,
James 3,
Luke 11,
Matthew 16,
Matthew 23,
Original Sin,
Friday, July 2, 2010
The Gulf Oil Spill And The Second Trumpet Judgment

8 The second angel sounded, and something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea; and a third of the sea became blood,
9 and a third of the creatures which were in the sea and had life, died; and a third of the ships were destroyed.
The answer is simple, the Scriptures are clear, the answer is NO! God's word is clear and this spill, as huge and damaging as it is right now, is not that large. The proof however, is the fact that and those Trumpet Judgments will come after the Rapture of the Church, to judge the unbelieving............ And that very soon.
2 Thessalonians 2:6-8
2 Thessalonians 2:6-8
8Then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming;
The Gulf Oil Spill And Rev. 8
Q. I’m curious about your thoughts on the current gulf oil spill being a fulfillment of the prophecy in Revelation 8:8-9? It certainly sounds like a verse by verse description but I’m wondering if it is in conflict with any other biblical references? I ask this because I understood the church would be raptured before God’s judgments. Thanks for your insight!
A. You’ve answered your own question. Because the Gulf oil spill has come before the rapture of the Church, it has also come before the End Times judgments begin. Also, if you look at the area covered by the spill, it’s only a small portion of the Gulf of Mexico, which in itself is only a small portion of Earth’s sea. Rev. 8:8-9 says one third of the sea will be turned to blood. Therefore, as big as it seems now, the Gulf oil spill is only a very, very small sample of what’s coming.
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